In the economic downturn, business outsourcing services will shrink or be more active? Conclusions uncertain. However, according to the survey, when the economic downturn, companies will be more careful accounting of costs, some large, long-term outsourcing projects to reduce the possibility of some new, less investment but reduce the cost of outsourcing is quick began to be welcomed. Print Outsourcing is one of them.
Pay by India
Qingdao Quartet - Bombardier Railway Transportation Equipment Co., Ltd. Xu Lihua, head of IT in the past often been plagued by problems printing. Bombardier Quartet print a large volume of text printed on high requirements before his or her own printing equipment and supplies procurement, their management and maintenance. However, the purchase of ink cartridges and other products, they will often face the counterfeit products, but also because of the resulting print expected, are not allowed to waste. Gengrang Xu Lihua headache is the print issue of routine maintenance of equipment. Printing devices and PC, server, not the same, PC and server failure is often a one-time solution was found, while the printing device is more intractable problem. According to IDC statistics, IT departments have 15% of the time in solving issues related to the above printing. "As the equipment with the responsibility to separate, when problems arise, service providers often want to use the lowest cost solutions to the problem, when doing so is difficult to maintain a one-time solutions to the problem."
Later, after careful assessment and accounting, in June this year, four Bombardier formally adopted the print outsourcing services, the overall printing (including fax) system outsourcing to a professional print services companies. In this way, all the printers are placed in remote print management software's management, user permissions to print through print, printed, printed after the register a note of the figures, but also record addresses and print-related information . Because all the printing equipment in the outsourcing business, under the control software, remote management, a problem encountered by the machine will immediately replaced, for previously intractable problems often arise, often one-time professional staff to solve the problem. According to Xu Lihua introduction, and now sudden failure rate from the previous month dropped from 10 to 1, the common failure decreased by 70% or more.
Meanwhile, the security management software to control and print cost control, safety and waste paper are also well resolved. Bombardier's initiative to print the Quartet reduced by 5% -10%, the device cost-effective to target cost leaflet printing directly reduced by 10%, reduce the cost of three years about 18%, which is also only from the book on can see that the direct costs. In addition, outsourcing is also the liberation of the human past, is a full-time responsible for maintaining the printer, but now only a part-time person on it.
Print Outsourcing also used the new pay model - paid by India, that the actual print volume per month pay, similar to mobile phone payment methods, and specific way to count and user selected services are related . In general, print outsourcing, there are three common modes, one is four Bombardier full outsourcing model, all hardware, supplies, maintenance and outsourcing services, costs will eventually be converted to a piece of paper each month, hit How many pieces of paper add up to billing. The second is the customer to buy their own machines do not buy supplies outsourcing services, there is a kind of machinery, supplies both companies to buy their own, only to outsource maintenance services. Of course, different outsourcing model, "monthly fee" is different.
Economic downturn, which pay according to Indian capital intensive business model more attractive, such companies generally select equipment, supplies, maintenance, and all outsourced leasing model, while reducing costs may ease on cash flow business pressure.杩欐椂閲囩敤鎵撳嵃澶栧寘妯″紡灏卞ソ姣斿綋浣犲繀椤荤敤杞﹁?鎵嬪ご寰堢揣鏃讹紝浣犲彲浠ラ?鎷╁幓绉熻締杞﹁?涓嶆槸鍙兘鍊熼挶涔拌締杞︺?
銆??鐪嬭捣鏉ユ墦鍗板鍖呮湇鍔℃棦鐪侀挶鍙堢渷鍔涳紝鍙堥檷浣庝簡瀹夊叏闅愭偅锛屼絾鐩墠閲囩敤澶栧寘鏈嶅姟鐨勪紒涓氳繕鍙槸灏戞暟銆?br />
銆??鍚屾椂锛岃澶氫紒涓氫篃缂轰箯瀵规墦鍗板拰澶嶅嵃鎴愭湰鐨勯噺鍖栨牳绠椼?璁稿浼佷笟鐨勭鐞嗗眰锛屽彧鐪嬪埌鎵撳嵃璁惧鐨勬洿鏂伴渶瑕佷粯鍑烘垚鏈紝鑰屽杩欎簺璁惧鑰楄垂鐨勬?鎴愭湰鍑犱箮涓?棤鎵?煡銆傚疄闄呬笂锛屾湁鍏崇粺璁℃樉绀猴紝鎸夋?浣撴墦鍗版垚鏈潵鐪嬶紝绾﹀崰鍒版敹鍏ョ殑6.1%锛屽綋鐒讹紝涓嶅悓鐨勮涓氬樊寮傚緢澶с?姣斿骞垮憡銆佽璁°?鐢典俊銆侀噾铻嶃?淇濋櫓绛夎涓氭墦鍗伴噺閮藉緢澶э紝鐩稿簲鍦帮紝鎵撳嵃璐圭敤涔熷緢澶с?鑰屽叾涓湁90%鐨勫叕鍙告病鏈夎拷韪墦鍗版垚鏈紝寰堝鏃跺?鎵撳嵃鐨勮垂鐢ㄦ槸褰掑湪琛屾斂鍔炲叕鐨勮垂鐢ㄩ噷銆傚緢澶欼T缁忕悊鎴栨槸琛屾斂鍔炲叕缁忕悊鍙湅鍒版墦鍗扮鐞嗙殑10%鐨勮垂鐢ㄢ?鈥斿氨鏄墦鍗版満璐圭敤锛岃?瀵规墦鍗拌?鏉愩?缁翠慨璐圭敤銆佷汉鍔涙垚鏈繖浜涜垂鐢ㄦ病鏈夌畻杩涘幓銆傞毦鎬競鍦鸿皟鐮斿叕鍙窯artner鍒嗘瀽鎸囧嚭锛氭墦鍗般?澶嶅嵃绛夋枃妗h緭鍑虹殑娑堣?鏄紒涓氭垚鏈腑鏈粡瀹℃牳鐨勬渶鍚庘?鍫″瀿鈥濓紝濡備綍杩涜鎴愭湰鎺у埗鍜岄绠楃鐞?鏂囧嵃鐜妭鎴愪负琚棩甯哥鐞嗛仐蹇樼殑瑙掕惤銆?br />
銆??鎹鑰呰皟鏌ワ紝鐩墠涓浗浼佷笟涓疄鏂芥墦鍗板鍖呮湇鍔$殑浼佷笟锛屼竴鑸兘鍏峰浠ヤ笅鏉′欢锛氫竴鏄鎵撳嵃瑕佹眰寰堥珮锛屾墦鍗伴噺寰堝ぇ锛涗簩鏄紒涓氱殑璐㈠姟閮ㄩ棬瀵硅繖鍧楁垚鏈緢閲嶈锛涗笁鏄鐞嗕弗璋ㄣ?涓?綅鎵撳嵃鏈嶅姟鎺ㄥ箍浜哄+璁や负杩欑偣寰堥噸瑕侊紝鈥滃洜涓烘墦鍗伴噰璐幆鑺備笂鏈夊埄鐩婇棶棰樸?鈥濆洓鏄垚鏈剰璇嗗己銆傚鍥涙柟搴炲反杩殑IT閮ㄩ棬鍜岃储鍔¢儴闂ㄦ槸涓?釜棰嗗涓荤锛屽緢澶氫細璁槸IT鍜岃储鍔¢儴涓?捣鍙傚姞锛屽浜у搧閲囪喘鎴愭湰鎰忚瘑寰堝己銆?br />
銆??浜嬪疄涓婏紝闅忕潃浼佷笟鐢熷瓨鍜岀珵浜夊帇鍔涚殑澧炲ぇ锛屼紒涓氬鎴愭湰鐨勮璇嗗拰缂╁噺浼氭繁鍏ュ埌浼佷笟鐨勬墍鏈夆?瑙掕惤鈥濄?杩欎簺鐜囧厛閲囩敤鎵撳嵃澶栧寘浼佷笟鐨勫嚭鐜板凡缁忚瘉鏄庝簡杩欑偣銆?br />
銆??杞韩鍋氭湇鍔?br />
銆??浼撮殢浼佷笟瀵规墦鍗版垚鏈殑閲嶈鍜屽鎵撳嵃鏈嶅姟鐨勯渶姹備娇浼犵粺鎵撳嵃鏈哄巶鍟嗙悍绾峰悜鎵撳嵃鏈嶅姟鍟嗚浆鍨嬧?鈥斾粠鍗栨墦鍗颁骇鍝佸埌鍗栨墦鍗版湇鍔°?鐩墠锛屾儬鏅?瀵屽+鏂戒箰绛変紶缁熺殑鎵撳嵃浜у搧鍘傚晢绾风悍杞瀷鍋氭湇鍔★紝寰堝鑰楁潗鍘傚晢銆佺郴缁熼泦鎴愬晢涔熸憞韬彉涓烘墦鍗版湇鍔℃彁渚涘晢銆?br />
銆??浣滀负鍏ㄧ悆鏂囦欢澶栧寘鏈嶅姟琛屼笟棰嗗厛鑰呯殑瀵屽+鏂戒箰锛屽緢鏃╁氨鎺ㄥ嚭鐨勫姙鍏枃浠剁鐞嗘湇鍔OS(Xerox Office Service)锛孹OS鏈嶅姟鍦?005骞村簳寮?鍦ㄤ腑鍥芥帹骞裤?澶氬勾鏉ュ崰鎹墦鍗板競鍦洪鍏堝湴浣嶇殑鎯犳櫘涔熷湪涓ゅ勾鍓嶅彂甯冧簡鈥滄墦鍗?.0鎴樼暐鈥濓紝鎵撳嵃2.0绛栫暐鐨勯噸鐐逛笉鏄崠鍑烘墦鍗版満锛岃?鏄彁渚涙湇鍔♀?鈥旀壙鎻藉鎴风殑鍏ㄩ儴鎵撳嵃宸ヤ綔銆備负姝わ紝鎯犳櫘鑷韩浠庣粍缁囨灦鏋勪笂杩涜浜嗙浉搴旇皟鏁达紝骞惰繘琛屼簡鍏ㄥ姏鐨勬帹骞垮伐浣溿?鎯犳櫘鍘诲勾8鏈堝紑濮嬫姇璧?浜跨編鍏冿紝鍦ㄥ叏鐞冭寖鍥村唴灞曞紑鐩涘ぇ鐨勫浼犳帹骞挎椿鍔紝璁╃敤鎴峰疄鐜扳?闅忔椂闅忓湴闅忛渶鍦拌繘琛屾墦鍗扳?銆傞拡瀵逛釜浜烘秷璐硅?锛屾儬鏅殑鍠?殦楸肩綉涓婂啿鍗版湇鍔?007骞?0鏈堣繘鍏ヤ腑鍥斤紱閽堝澶т紒涓氱敤鎴凤紝2006骞?1鏈堟儬鏅凡闈㈠悜浼佷笟绾у競鍦烘彁鍑衡?骞宠 閮ㄧ讲锛屽叏闈㈢鐞嗏?绛栫暐锛屽悜涓浗寮曞叆绯荤粺澶栧寘鏈嶅姟鐨勫厛杩涚悊蹇点?
銆??鎵撳嵃鍘傚晢鍋氭湇鍔′篃鏈夊叾涓嶅緱宸蹭箣澶勶紝鏅?鎵撳嵃鏈洪攢閲忓紑濮嬮攼鍑忋?鍑犲勾鍓嶏紝鎯犳櫘灏卞彂鐜帮紝鎵撳嵃鏈虹殑甯傚満寮?楗卞拰浜嗭紝灏ゅ叾鍦ㄨタ鏂瑰浗瀹讹紝鎵撳嵃鏈哄巶鍟嗙殑鏀跺叆灏嗕富瑕佷緷璧栦簬鐢ㄦ埛缂撴參鐨勬洿鏂版崲浠c?鍦ㄨ繖鏍风殑瓒嬪娍涓嬶紝濡傛灉鎯冲湪鍒╂鼎鏂归潰鑾峰緱杩涗竴姝ュ闀匡紝浠呴潬鎵╁紶甯傚満浠介宸茬粡闈炲父鍥伴毦銆備腑鍥芥墦鍗版満甯傚満涔熸槸鍚屾牱鐨勫彉鍖栵紝鈥滆櫧鐒惰繕鍦ㄦ垚闀匡紝浣嗘槸宸茬粡鎱㈡參鍦ㄨ“閫?紝鎴戜滑鐨勮幏鍒╂瘮浠ュ墠灏戜簡寰堝锛屾湭鏉ュ崄骞淬?浜斿勾锛屾墦鍗版満鐨勮幏鍒╄繕浼氱户缁笅闄嶃?鈥?涓浗鎯犳櫘鎵撳嵃鎴愬儚绯荤粺闆嗗洟浼佷笟瀹㈡埛閮ㄦ?缁忕悊鑳″ぇ鍒氳銆?br />
銆??褰撶劧锛岀湅鍒版墦鍗版湇鍔♀?閽辨櫙鈥濈殑涓嶄粎鍙湁鎯犳櫘涓?锛屽瘜澹柦涔愬湪鍑犲勾鍓嶄篃宸茬粡鎻愬嚭瑕佸垱閫犫?棰嗗厛鐨勬墦鍗版湇鍔℃ā寮忊?锛屽笇鏈涙墿澶р?鍏ㄥ寘鏈嶅姟鈥濆拰鈥滅璧佹湇鍔♀?鐨勪笟鍔★紝浣嗗洜涓烘笭閬撴湇鍔¤鐩栭潰寮憋紝浠呭湪琛屼笟鎵撳嵃棰嗗煙鏈夋墍鏀惰幏锛屽湪浼佷笟绾у競鍦轰笂鎺ㄥ箍涓?洿娌℃湁澶ぇ杩涘睍銆?br />
銆??闅忕潃鏈潵鎵撳嵃澶栧寘瓒婃潵瓒婅涓皬浼佷笟閫夋嫨锛屽浜庢墦鍗伴噺灏忕殑浼佷笟銆侀儴鍒嗗鍖呯殑椤圭洰锛屾儬鏅洿鎺ユ彁渚涙湇鍔′笉涓?畾鍏峰鎴愭湰涓婄殑浼樺娍锛岃?鐩告瘮涔嬩笅锛屼竴浜涙墦鍗版湇鍔¢泦鎴愬晢鏇村叿鏈夋垚鏈紭鍔裤?鍥犳锛屽浜庝笉鍚屽眰娆$殑鎵撳嵃澶栧寘鏈嶅姟涔熶細鍑虹幇涓嶅悓绾у埆鐨勬湇鍔″晢銆傞拡瀵瑰ぇ鐨勮涓氱敤鎴凤紝鎯犳櫘鑷繁鎻愪緵鏈嶅姟锛岃?瀵逛簬涓皬瀹㈡埛鐨勬墦鍗版湇鍔★紝鎯犳櫘涓昏鐢卞師鏉ュ崠鎵撳嵃鏈虹殑缁忛攢鍟嗘潵鎻愪緵銆?br />
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